Thursday, November 16, 2006

Robertson n.o.2

Ah yes, Jake's technophobic twin, Bo has finally figured out how to work these things. Whopppeee!
Anyway, I don't wear eyliner, have an even worse love life than Jake and am addicted to hill walking. As we are so similar (goddam it!!!), here are a few differences between us:

Jake wears eyeliner
Bo doesnt
Jake is a skilled writer
Bo can just write long rants (though i got 6 A* in my GCSE English coursework!)
Jake is smaller than Bo
Bo is better at climbing than Jake
Jake is phisicaly fitter in terms of climbing uphill than Bo
Bo has stronger arms than Jake
Jake's favourute bands are NOFX and My Chemical Romance
Bo's are NOFX and Bad Religion
Is that enough things to show we are diffenrent from each other, not just two 'identical twins' (though we are) who are two of the same person?
Bo the technophobe

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